My dog, Daku, the centre of my world and of experimenting with video-making, has bit me twice in a span of 5 weeks. When his hair's cut, he looks like a rogue on the run, and with his soft, thick, golden mane, he looks more royal than a princess! :D My nanaji calls him a special dog, since he has five fingers (!!!) and my other close friend, Jasmine Desai, says that he has a look of wisdom on his face.
The second time he bit me, he did it with a sense of timing. He bit me a

t 2 AM in the night.... and the following day I had a flight to catch to Bangalore. And I had to do it before hitting my office. My flight was delayed by 20 mins and I still managed to miss it. I'd say the Jet Airways Manager did not like me and I'd also like to add that the manager was a female. [Later on, a friend of mine said that I should have tried talking to a male manager instead.] [Much later on, another friend of mine said that Jet Airways always did that.]
After 4 hours, I got another flight. The first thing I did after landing in Bang

alore was to search for a doctor to give me an anti-Rabies shot. They say it has to be taken within 24 hours of the dog-bite. Luckily, I got a very sweet, old, doc in Kormangalam, who was mainly a kiddies' specialist. And that the reason why I waited to exclaim "F..." in pain, but the word never got out of my mouth. I was so surprised. But for the next shot, after a gap of 48 hours, I managed to find myself a homeopathy doc, who told me just before injecting, not to scream. I said don't make me. And immediately thereafter I exclaimed in pain, "F...".
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