Friday, March 18, 2011

Together We Will Live Forever

The Wind brings a new change, a new season.
And when the heart sings songs to the moon and prays at every Cross a Church holds, red in the black, I realise the innocence is still there. A heart that can melt at the thought of a romance, a soulmate and a soul that can tremble at the very thought of hurting someone and being hurt in return.
It's like an ancient tree which realises there's still some gum left in the bark.
It's a great joy to learn that after so much, and after so long, one is not immune to love, or seeming thoughts of love. It's a great joy to learn that something can still hurt. And you can still ache and be pained.
Vital signs.... of life. And that your soul is still breathing, still journeying. Still counting on the wisdom it has accumulated over the previous births... and even this one, still. Still banking on you to listen to your heart and take the right decision, stay true to yourself.

For those who love, here's a haunting song, "a bath for your soul" by Clint Mansell: "Together We Will Live Forever"


  1. the sheer size of life and as compared to our exp is nothing
    we still learn

  2. @ no one
    The sheer size of life... and death... lives and deaths... births, timelines, universes, that our soul has traveled... we are all on a journey.
